Venezuelan-American Patriots: Defending Venezuela, Securing the Americas

Join us in restoring freedom and promoting sustainable growth in Venezuela and the Americas.

Ever Seen a Narco-Socialist Law?

It’s like a masterclass in irony—where "constitutional" means dismantling the Constitution, "peace" means militarization, and "justice" serves organized crime. Narco-Socialist laws have a knack for Orwellian doublespeak, where adjectives mean the exact opposite of their true intent. Welcome to the world of legislative gaslighting at its finest: the Venezuelan Bolivarian National Armed Forces Constitutional Act of 2020.

Far from being constitutional, it’s a full-frontal assault on the rule of law, transforming Venezuela’s once peaceful society into a paramilitary playground reminiscent of socialist "utopias" like North Korea or Cuba.

Want to know more? Check out our briefing.

USA flag on brown leaves

A Warning for Latin America

Venezuelans come from the future. We have witnessed firsthand how socialism destroys thriving democracies. The narco-socialist Bolivarian regime emerged as a supposed savior from corruption but instead entrenched a corrupt political and military oligarchy, violating human rights and devastating the nation.

This is not just Venezuela’s story—it’s a warning for all of Latin America. The false promises of socialism threaten democracies across the region. Action is urgent to stop its spread, and it begins with arming ourselves with the right ideas. Venezuela’s experience demonstrates that socialism’s allure is a path to ruin, not redemption.

A Threat to the United States

Venezuela’s collapse doesn’t just endanger Latin America—it directly threatens U.S. security and stability. Narco-states like Venezuela harbor terrorism, fuel drug trafficking, and enable transnational crime. They create waves of migration, overwhelming borders and straining resources. Worse, Venezuela has positioned itself as an ally to U.S. geopolitical adversaries like China, Russia, and Iran, giving them a foothold in the Western Hemisphere.

The United States cannot afford to ignore this growing threat. Protecting democracy in Latin America is not just a regional concern—it’s a strategic imperative for America’s safety and global leadership.

Venezuela’s Narco-Socialism: A Strategic Threat to the U.S.

Our new Policy Report

Empowering the Future

We work to stop the spread of narco-states in Latin America by partnering with the U.S. to create migration policies that reduce irregular migration and human trafficking. At the same time, we focus on boosting productivity in the region to create opportunities and fight the roots of drug trafficking.

people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers